At 6:24 PM last night, I appeared briefly on Fox TV to help its audience cope with the current "FAFSApocalypse" -- the glitchy, frustrating, delay-ridden new and "improved" Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
But, as is always the case when I make it on the air, there's a TON that got left on the cutting room floor.
In this case, there was a lot more I wanted to yammer on about in order to help families with college-bound teens deal with the new regulations, tech problems and behind-the-scenes chaos that is hurtling toward them like an oncoming train.
Good news! This morning, live on our Facebook page, I'm roping in FAFSA expert and Lockwood College Prep Chief Snack Officer Pearl Lockwood to give you a "look over my shoulder." insider, real-time update on what she's been seeing so far in the few days since the "soft release" of the FASFA.
And what she's been NOT seeing, which you may find to be a little scary.
Pearl helps families...
Hi, it's deja vu all over again, looking like this year is starting off in a confusing, crazy way -- major problems with FAFSA, another college president bites the dust, nonsensical college admissions for Class of 2024, lots o' fun.
So we're doing two live sessions tomorrow (1/3) to help you clear the clutter and confusion and succeed in financial aid, college admissions and more:
That's all I got -- a happy and healthy 2024 to you!
-Andy Lockwood
Financial Aid Warrior Promo
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This is your official last call notice for our financial aid consulting promo. This 10% off "scholarship" walks out the door at 12 midnight.
The FAFSA is kinda-sorta out -- with "planned maintenance" outages...
...but we want to make sure that you avoid stupid, money-losing blunders on the financial aid applications that could mean the difference between sending your kiddo to the college she deserves...
...versus having to quietly confide, "sorry, I just can't afford to send you to the college you deserve."
It doesn't have to be that way.
With us in your corner, we'll help you comfortably afford tuition without scrimping your lifestyle, loading up on debt (both on your child and on you) or being forced to sell a vital organ. Specifically, you get:
I'll be quick so you can get ready for another rockin' New Year's Eve...
We're running a limited time 10% off promo on our financial aid consulting service, which gets you our expert help in the following areas...
There's two ways to sign up, pick the one right for you - each link has a 10% off coupon code baked in:
The new FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is now "periodically available" (meaning, "not available because it's glitchy") and many parents wonder, "Should I even bother to fill it out?"
Our stock recommendation is to file, for the following reasons:
It's Christmas Eve, so I thought I'd dust off this not-so-updated, yet borderline classic entry from the Lockwood archives:
Twas the night before FAFSA
And all through the nation
Parents were sweating bullets
Over the cost of higher education
“These forms are so annoying!”
One poor father cried
As he sat shuffling papers
While a part of him died
“Honey, what’s the big deal?”
The mother inquired
“Our daughter always gets the best
Even if you can’t ever retire!”
“I’m all for a great college”
The father sniffled and sobbed
“But I’d hate to pay for rock climbing and safe spaces
Unless they help her get a job”
The mom stopped and stared
And gave dad the stink-eye
So he turned back to his FAFSA
With a shrug and a sigh
But he just couldn’t let it go
Because in his assessment
College is a huge rip off
With no return on investment
Early Decision results are in and, like every year, we've seen a mix of great results as well as some disappointments.
To the untrained eye, the college application process seems arbitrary and unpredictable. Actually, it's not.
Most kids and parents don't see the big picture. Meaning, who else they're competing with -- all over the country, not from their high school -- and how they stack up. But if you know the competitive landscape, things are much easier to predict. The more you know, and implement based on that knowhow, the greater your odds of success. Here's what I mean...
The academic component - GPA, rigor of course load and standardized testing -- equates to approximately 60% of the application.
The other 40% consists of stuff that's in your control -- extracurricular activities, essays, demonstrating interest -- and stuff that's out of your control, such as the high school you...
Hidey-ho, we just went L-I-V-E with our encore financial aid "loopholes" and "landmines" webinar.
This Bud's for you if you're you-know-whatting a brick about how you'll possibly afford tuition next year for your kiddo(s)...
...and want to avoid costly, self-inflicted mistakes on the FAFSA and CSS Profile and throughout the process. Here's where to jump in:
See you in class!
-Andy Lockwood
Good morning, quickie reminder that we're running a free session on everything you need to know about financial aid -- specifically, how to comfortably afford college without loading up on debt, cutting back on your lifestyle or feeling like you need to sell a vital organ on the dark web --- but were afraid to ask!
Or didn't even know what questions to ask, because this schnitt is muy complicatedo!
(Feel free to rope in any of your pals who are wondering how on god's green earth they'll possibly be able to afford to send their kid(s) to college, too. Just forward this note to them.)
And here's a little more re: tonight's agenda....
Tomorrow night, we're holding an "encore" performance of our Financial Aid Loopholes and Landmines webinar to help you cope with the "seismic", even "tectonic" changes in college financial aid.
If you have a class of 2025 or younger child who is headed to college, you'll want to join the fun and get this valuable information that you simply cannot get anywhere else.
The Supreme Court and the Department of Education caused major changeroos in college admissions and financial aid, so this tomorrow night we'll be working our way through the ones related to financial aid -- and what they mean for you. Topics on tap:
How six figure-earning families can qualify for tuition discounts of 56.4% even If their child did not crush the SAT, bribe a proctor or cure a pandemic over the summer
The strange reason an expensive private college can cost LESS than a “cheaper” state university
The 529: “Friend” or...
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