Accepting applications for 9th and 10th graders. Limited availability for 11th graders. Click here for more information.

Why are SAT and ACT scores dropping?

Tutoring | Financial Aid Consulting

Average ACT and SAT scores dropped in 2024 compared to 2023.  What does this mean for 11th grade and younger kids who are headed to college?

1.4 million kids took the ACT in 2024, the average score:  19.4, down from 19.5 in 2023.  Big whoop.

1.97 million kids took the SAT or PSAT in 2024, the average score:  1024, down from 1028 the previous year.  Big whoop number two.

The party line among test professionals is not that our kids are dumber, but that more kids are taking the tests.

My hunch is the opposite, lower scores are part of the overall decline in education, achievement and accountability that keeps me up at night.  A topic for another day, or never (publicly).

Let's turn to some specific advice for college-bound 11th graders and younger.

Prep hard and take the tests, either the SAT or ACT.  Start before you're "ready," so you don't run out of time.

Take a diagnostic exam first, to determine...

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Shhhā€¦Donā€™t tell my master Iā€™m doing this

From the desk of Renfield
Personal assistant to Count Andrew Von Fafsala Lockwuud 

Hello. I don’t have much time so I’ll cut to the chase while Count Von Fafsala and Countess Pearlticia are slumbering in their coffins. The sun will set shortly and I’ll be busy tending to their gruesome needs..

Let me be brutally honest:  I didn’t see your name (or even your soul) on the list of victims, um, “people” signing up for the $304.50 off Financial Aid Consulting promo that ended at midnight last night, and I was shocked!  And not in the good way.

But come a little closer, so I can whisper something in your ear (sorry in advance about the insect breath):

I can still get you in for the same deal that expired yesterday.  All you have to do is sign up before the Count and Countess rise again, and nobody gets hurt.  

The Lockwuuds won’t know anything about my evil scheme, so they won’t punish me (which is a bit...

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Early Decision and Your Financial Aid

Good morning!

We're hitting the airwaves this morning -- 10:00am EST --  for College Coffee Talk, our live show about college admissions and financial aid news that you can use!  

Here's what's on tap for today:

Does applying Early Decision or Early Action hurt your chances of financial aid and scholarships?

Tune In!


Grab a cup of joe and we'll see you at 10am EST (recorded if you can't make it)

- Andy Lockwood

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DEADLINE: 10% promo dies at midnight

Uncategorized Oct 12, 2024

Good eeeeeve-a-ning (I know it’s morning but let’s not split hairs),

I'll be quick and off the cuff, I didn't have time to reHEARSE this -- only a few short hours remain!

At midnight tonight, our offer expires as abruptly and savagely as a stake through a heart:  

$304.50 off our Financial Aid Warrior, financial aid consulting service (plus a wicked awesome, just-added fast-action bonus worth $497 - see below). 

Financial Aid Warrior is our financial aid consulting and applications prep (FAFSA, CSS Profile) service that gets you every last bloody dollar that you deserve to get, possibly even more…

…steering you clear of the horrible, blood-sucking monstrous mistakes that lie, lurking in the shadows for poor, sweet unsuspecting you…

…ready to POUNCE and rob you blind of the financial aid and scholarship money you otherwise should have won! 

This limited-time sale allows you to enroll for an instant,...

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48 hours left on the $304.50 off sale

Uncategorized Oct 10, 2024

I’ll make this quick like little Chuckie scampering around your attic - you have less than 2 days to take advantage of our “Halloween” special.

Until midnight Eastern time, Sunday night, you get 10% off ( $304.50)  our Financial Aid Warrior financial aid consulting program  (and a $497 Early Action BONE-us that we just released from the crypt :)

When you enroll, you will instantly be saved from the ghouls and goblins lurking in the FAFSA, CSS Profile and other modern-day torture devices that stand in the way of you being able to comfortably afford college!

To get your double discount (on our service  and on college tuition!), simply go here right now.

Oh, I have some great news!  We just added ta payment plan to fit your budget, discounted as well

You can get started for less than 700 donuts:


But both deals will vanish without a trace,...

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Get this right now for $304.50 off [Warning: bad puns inside]

Uncategorized Oct 08, 2024

Good eeeeeve-a-ning...

(I know it’s morning but just go along with it.) 

“Pearlticia” and I have never done anything like this, but right now, you can have us in your corner to help you conquer the FAFSA, CSS Profile and all other financial aid demons for 10% - or $304.50 off  - AND claim a big fat bonus (see below)! 

We felt that you deserve a break and wanted to “treat” (not trick) you, to the tune of $304.50 off!

Our Financial Aid Warrior financial aid consulting program helps you avoid deadly, aid-losing mistakes...

...not to mention all the stress, hassle and all unpleasant, ghoulish dealings with the bloodthirsty zombies in the financial aid office, government websites, figuring out what to file, when to file them, tax returns, remembering your passwords, PINs, the  FSA ID (know what that is?), wondering if you filed properly…

...and all the other things that can go “bump” in the night!


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Early Decision vs Early Action: How to Decide?

Good morning!

At 10am EST this morning, we're tackling one of the biggest decisions college applicants struggle with every year:

Should you apply Early Decision, Early Action or Regular Decision?

I'll run you through the various and sundry considerations to help you determine the optimal way to apply, to give you (your kiddo) the best shot at getting accepted to his or her top choice college!  Yay.

It all goes down in a few minutes:  10:00am EST --  on College Coffee Talk, our live show about college admissions and financial aid news that you can use!  

(Recorded if you can't make it live).

Here's where to tune in:

College Coffee Talk


See you in a bit!

- Andy "French Roast" Lockwood

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Should You Submit Your SAT or ACT?

Hidey ho,

I'm thigh-deep reviewing applications for Class of 2025 college applicants, and one question keeps coming up:

Should I submit my SAT or ACT scores?

The answer is a school-by-school, case-by-case, "it depends" kind of answer.  Give me two minutes, and I'll show you exactly how to figure it out in this short video, using the University of South Carolina as an example (that you can follow for any test-optional college):

VIDEO:  To Submit or Not to Submit

Have a great rest of your weekend!

-Andy "2 Minute Drill" Lockwood

P.S.  Feel free to pass this along to anyone who could use this information.

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The End of Legacy in Admissions?

Tutoring | Financial Aid Consulting

Big news in California, where Governor Gavin signed a law that bans the consideration of legacy In college admissions for all colleges in Cali, whether public or private.  The law is slated to go into effect in Fall 2025.

I was interviewed on NewsNation in the wee small hours of the morning today and, as usual, didn't have time to spit out all my talking points that I'd like you to know. So here's an abridged version:

How big a "problem" is legacy admissions?.  At Stanford and USC, approximately 14% of the class admitted in 2024 were legacies.  Apparently most of them were within the academic range of the entire admitted class.

Point #2.  There are no...

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[LIVE] Financial Aid Secrets Workshop

Financial Aid Workshop 

I'll keep this quick like a bunny because we're all busy and I don't know if I'll do this again this year.   

We're hitting their airwaves with our online class, How to Slash College Costs by 56.1%..Even if you think you can't possibly qualify,  tonight, 7:30pm EST.

Here's where to go, hope you can make it!



- Andy "Not Quite Ready for Prime Time" Lockwood

P.S.  Reminder of tonight's topics: 

*How to "hide" your money from the financial aid office, legally and ethically

*How to negotiate a scholarship or financial aid award

*How high income and ultra affluent families can qualify for tuition discounts of 25%, 33% or even 56.1%, guilt-free

*10 deadly, self-inflicted financial aid mistakes overwhelmed families make before they apply to college (and how to avoid them)

*The disappointing state of last year's "Simplified"  (HAH!) FAFSA rollout and now to cope with more delays and mistakes that seem...

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